JDV Coaching personal training leeuwarden


JDV Coaching Online Training Vegan Leeuwarden

Online coaching and personal training in Leeuwarden. Your dedicated partner on the journey to a slimmer, stronger, fitter, and healthier life. With nearly 25 years of experience as a personal trainer, nutrition expert, and vitality coach, I understand that no single service is sufficient on its own. Personal training, dieting, and stress management are each crucial pieces of the puzzle, but it’s only by integrating them in the right way that we can achieve maximum and lasting results for both your reflection and your health.

Are you dealing with excess weight, high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, or concerning blood sugar levels? Perhaps you’re experiencing joint pain, struggling with concentration, or battling snack cravings? These challenges call for a holistic approach, and I’ve fused all these services into a unique form of guidance.

My approach encompasses smart training, effective dietary adjustments, and stress management, but the secret lies in seamlessly combining these elements. These methods have been proven to assist in weight loss, boosting vitality, and enhancing overall health. My role is to guide you and teach you how to implement this information correctly

Education - Implementation - Feedback

Whether you’re in search of a personal trainer in Leeuwarden, nutritional advice, or an online lifestyle coach, I offer online guidance and personalized training sessions. If desired, these can be conducted at your home if you reside in the Leeuwarden area. This approach is not only flexible but also proven to be much more effective for sustainable results. Thanks to my unique approach, you’ll see improvements in both your reflection and your health, and that’s what you deserve.

Let’s work together on your well-being and balance in nutrition, exercise, and mindset. If you’re seeking an experienced vitality coach in Leeuwarden, you’re in the right place.”

JDV Coaching plantbased coaching Leeuwarden

You have passed the age of 40 and have been struggling with your weight for far too long

You’ve tried diets, gym memberships, and so on, but nothing seems to stick or work

It feels like you simply don’t have the time to do this, even though you really want to

You’re tired of the excuses you’ve been telling yourself and are ready to see what you’re truly capable of.

In the past, you’ve been intimidated by gyms, and you want to have the confidence and knowledge to walk into any gym in the world and know what to do, how, and why.

You don’t know where to start and need someone who has been there and done it to guide you on the path


Coaching is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of the willingness to grow and learn."

Online Coaching

Receive professional guidance and coaching from the comfort of your own home, with the same results as working with a personal trainer. Online coaching offers flexibility and convenience, enabling you to effectively work on your health and vitality


Coaching at your Home

Experience personal guidance in your own familiar surroundings. Our coach comes to your home, allowing us to work together on your health goals and optimize your nutrition, exercise, and mindset.

Duo Coaching at your Home

Choose home duo coaching and share the journey to health and vitality with a friend or family member. This offers the benefits of personal guidance in a comfortable setting while motivating and supporting each other.

Coaching on Location

Prefer to work with me in person at a location? You can do that now at Fitplan Leeuwarden. Especially for this target group, I have developed the 8-week vitality program. 


What I once accepted as signs of aging, I now see as signals that can be reversed for the most part. My joints, my fatigue, my shortness of breath – I was struggling with them all, and they were hindering my daily activities. After 4 weeks of coaching, my body already feels much more flexible, and I feel a lot fitter. I hadn't realized how crucial nutrition was, but now I know better
Herman, 58
My health had been deteriorating steadily. Due to my excess weight, I experienced symptoms like high blood pressure, headaches, and fatigue. After working with Jelle for 12 weeks, my blood pressure is now a healthy 120/75. My headaches are a thing of the past, and I have more energy than I ever dared to dream of.
Joyce, 46
I can concentrate much better during the day, my headaches have significantly decreased, and my knees and lower back give me hardly any complaints anymore. I should have done this much earlier.
Mario, 61
Jelle guided me with a program that I could do at home because I had no time (or motivation) to go to the gym. By dedicating just 32 minutes a week to this program, I now have much more time for other things. I was skeptical at first, but after only 2 weeks, I could already see and feel results. It's very pleasant to experience that a stronger body is still possible at my age. The weekly check-ins were crucial for me as a motivating factor.
John, 58
I always thought I had to go to the gym at least 4 days a week to lose weight. I also used to believe that getting slimmer becomes more difficult as I get older. After Jelle's eye-opening coaching, I'm now working out only 2 times a week. By primarily focusing on coaching my lifestyle, I was able to change my eating habits, which finally made the weight come off. I wholeheartedly recommend the 40-plus coach.
Wieteke, 44
‘I could use some more muscle mass, but I didn't feel like going to the gym. With simple exercises and the obligation to provide feedback, adjustments could be made to my training and nutrition. I am very satisfied.’
Rob, 42
I chose the online coaching program for 8 weeks half a year ago, and I haven't regretted it for a moment. It was hard work, not so much physically, as I was actually overtraining, as Jelle's analysis revealed. I had to take a step back in that regard, but I quickly noticed that I was recovering better and regained my enthusiasm for exercising. I also started sleeping better, which gave me more daytime energy. As an entrepreneur, I appreciated Jelle's coaching approach, which was mainly pragmatic and down-to-earth. He is very practical, which made it easier to address the areas I needed to work on. I learned to think for myself, especially when it came to fitness and nutrition, and realized that many of my beliefs in these areas were incorrect. I lost 8 kilograms of fat, gained more muscle mass, and received nothing but compliments. Thanks, Jelle!
Ruud, 44
‘We did PT group training just before our vacation, and we thoroughly enjoyed it. Exercising outdoors in our own residential area was great. The four of us had a challenging session once a week and also received assignments to do at home. Although most of us didn't really do it to lose weight, it happened nonetheless. So, you won't hear any complaints from us. Lastly, it was important for us that Jelle is an extremely friendly personal trainer but could also be strict when necessary’
Jan, Gea, Ineke en Gerbrand

Discover how Shar was able to return to the level of sports where she belongs

Shar was a woman who was an avid runner in her spare time. Due to injury, she wanted to return to the same level as before her injury.

After many hours of training, she quickly realized that the energy and strength she was used to having didn’t seem to come back, making her goal seem unattainable.

Shar used to run with a running group a few times a week, but frustratingly, she had to skip it due to lack of energy.

When I spoke with her, I quickly discovered where things were going wrong. As with many (elite) athletes, certain aspects necessary to improve performance are often underestimated. After having her undergo a lifestyle analysis, this was confirmed.

In her situation, she lacked energy because there simply wasn’t enough energy intake through her diet. You can’t expect to perform like a sports car if it’s not fueled with enough and the right type of fuel. But just eating more wasn’t enough. Strength training was also needed to experience greater strength.

Since Shar received her action plan, she has more energy than ever. She is running at her previous level again and can participate in her running group once more!

What were your experiences with this form of coaching, Shar?
Extremely satisfied. Jelle thinks along with me and created a fitting program for me. Where necessary, he made adjustments.

Can you tell us more about the answers you received to any questions?
I feel stronger, fitter, and more balanced since he created a plan for me.

Is there anything else you’d like to add?
I wish I had utilized his knowledge earlier. Better late than never. Grateful!


Persoonlijke begeleiding: Met mij als online coach krijg je persoonlijke begeleiding en aangepaste voedingstips om je te helpen bij het bereiken van je specifieke doelen, zoals meer energie, beter slapen, blijvend slanker worden en meer flexibiliteit. We maken samen een op maat gemaakt plan dat past bij jouw behoeften en levensstijl.

Meer energie en betere slaap: Het volgen van een overwegend plantaardig dieet kan bijdragen aan meer energie en betere slaap. Een online coach kan je helpen om voedingsmiddelen te kiezen die je energie en vitaliteit geven, en je tips geven voor het verbeteren van de kwaliteit van je slaap.

Flexibiliteit en gemak voor optimale prestaties: Het volgen van een overwegend plantaardig dieet hoeft niet ingewikkeld te zijn. Mijn online coaching leert je hoe je gezonde plantaardige maaltijden kunt bereiden, zelfs als je druk bezig bent, zodat je meer energie zult ervaren, betere trainingen zult hebben en het lijf kunt verkrijgen dat je graag wilt zien. 

Van informatie-overload naar informatie-implementatie: Informatie over afslanken, gespierder worden, meer uithoudingsvermogen, lekkerder in je vel zitten, het internet staat er vol mee. 

Ook aan allerlei gratis apps geen gebrek. Maar hoe weet je hoe je al deze informatie moet toepassen? Hoe zorg je ervoor dat je op de juiste manier traint eet en omgaat met stress? En nog belangrijker, wie ziet er met een objectieve blik en zonder emotie op toe dat een bepaalde aanpassing in je leefstijl past en doet wat het moet doen. 

Mijn coaching haalt niet alleen deze zorg bij je vandaan, maar is ook je kompas en stok achter de deur zodat blijvende resultaten niet uit kunnen  blijven. 

Voeding is brandstof voor het lichaam. Leer welke voeding voor jouw lijf het beste werkt!

Ben jij op zoek naar een manier om jouw gezondheid en prestaties te verbeteren, terwijl je tegelijkertijd je spiegelbeeld wilt transformeren? Dan ben je bij mij aan het juiste adres! Als coach met 20 jaren ervaring als personal trainer, voedingsdeskundige en een specialisatie in plantbased voeding indien je overweegt om minder dierlijke voeding te consumeren.

Ik begrijp dat je denkt dat overwegend plantaardige voeding niet voldoende zal zijn binnen je leefstijl en je doelstelling. Maar ik kan je uit ervaring verzekeren dat meer plantaardige voeding zeer geschikt is voor iedereen die zijn gezondheid en prestaties wil verbeteren.  De mensen die ik begeleid zijn overigens lang niet allemaal vegans. Verre van. Wel hebben ze er inmiddels voor gekozen om minder dierlijke voeding te consumeren en dat is prima.

Mijn coaching is in de loop der jaren ontwikkeld om jou nog beter te kunnen helpen je doelen te bereiken en jouw gezondheid en prestaties naar een hoger niveau te tillen. Welke begeleidingsvorm voor jou van toepassing is zal blijken na het intake gesprek. 

Eenmaal begonnen zal ik je begeleiden en ondersteunen bij het implementeren van een slim voedingsplan, waarbij we ons richten op het optimaliseren van jouw voedingsinname om jouw lichaam op een natuurlijke manier te helpen om een optimaal gewicht te verkrijgen en dit behouden voor je oude dag. Geloof me, in deze fase van je leven is dit zeer belangrijk. 

We zullen ook werken aan het optimaliseren van jouw prestaties en energie. Met mijn persoonlijke en op maat gemaakte coaching zul je merken dat je meer energie hebt, beter slaapt en gemakkelijker je doelen bereikt. En als kers op de taart zal je ook jouw spiegelbeeld zien transformeren! Iets waar veel andere specialisten mee beginnen, maar hierdoor juist een belangrijke factor over het hoofd zien.

Dus als je wilt investeren in jezelf en jouw gezondheid, dan is mijn coaching geschikt voor jou. 

Invest in optimal health, better performance, and a different reflection ni the mirror

Ik begrijp dat je al een lange reis hebt afgelegd in je streven naar een gezonder, fitter en vitaler leven. Je hebt waarschijnlijk ontelbare diëten geprobeerd, uren in de sportschool doorgebracht en goedbedoelde adviezen van vrienden, familie en het internet gevolgd. Maar toch heb je misschien het gevoel dat je de top van jouw gezondheidsberg nog niet hebt bereikt. Dat is begrijpelijk.

Stel je eens voor dat jouw verlangen naar vitaliteit en welzijn vergelijkbaar is met het beklimmen van een hoge berg. Het is een reis vol uitdagingen, obstakels en onbekende paden. Maar je hoeft deze tocht niet alleen te maken.

Ik vergelijk mijn rol als jouw vitaliteitscoach met die van een ervaren gids die je de weg wijst op deze bergbeklimming. Gedurende een periode van 8 weken zal ik je persoonlijk begeleiden, stap voor stap, terwijl we samen aan jouw lichamelijke en emotionele transformatie werken. Hier is wat je kunt verwachten:

Persoonlijke Begeleiding: Ik zal je niet alleen vertellen wat je moet doen, maar ik zal je begeleiden bij elke stap van de reis. Samen zullen we een op maat gemaakt plan maken dat past bij jouw unieke behoeften en doelen.

Gedetailleerde Kaart: Vergelijk mijn begeleiding met een gedetailleerde kaart. Ik ken de weg, de gevaren en de valkuilen. Ik zal je helpen deze obstakels te vermijden en je in de juiste richting te sturen.

Emotionele Ondersteuning: Ik begrijp dat de reis niet alleen fysiek is, maar ook emotioneel uitdagend kan zijn. Wanneer het zwaar wordt, zal ik er zijn om je te ondersteunen en je de tools te geven om met deze emoties om te gaan.

Implementatie en Feedback: Terwijl gratis informatie overal beschikbaar is, bied ik je de juiste implementatie en feedback die ontbreekt. Samen zullen we werken aan duurzame veranderingen in je levensstijl.

Het is begrijpelijk dat je misschien sceptisch bent na eerdere ervaringen. Maar ik ben hier om je te laten zien dat deze keer anders is. Samen zullen we jouw doelstelling(en) tot een succes maken.


299,- 8 weeks
  • Feeling better in your skin, performing better, and enjoying what you see in the mirror? Choose this program, and it will all come to you!
  • This program can also be carried out WITHOUT a gym!
  • Comprehensive, realistic, and transparent assessment of your current lifestyle and goals. Only after this, you decide whether you continue with the coaching
  • Nutrition, exercise, stress management – I'll help you gain more control over them
  • Weekly Check-in (Online) This is your motivation to keep you going!
  • The best exercises that can be done safely and independently. Are you training in the gym? No problem! Even then, you'll receive workouts tailored to you and your goals.
  • I will teach you the 'less is more' strategy based on your lifestyle. This way, exercise becomes enjoyable, and you won't develop an obsession with both movement and nutrition.
  • Unlimited Coaching. There's always that one question you'd like to have answered. Within 24 hours, you'll get a response, often even faster.
  • IN SHORT: I'm always close by during the program to help you finally achieve your goals


699,- 8 weeks (Including Online Guidance and materials)
  • 1: 1 Coaching
  • In Leeuwarden e.o.
  • Always start with a non-committal introductory meeting at your home where you can ask all your questions. Afterward, you can decide if you want to embark on this fitness journey
  • Comprehensive assessment of current lifestyle and direction discussion
  • Nutrition, the most important factor and where the majority of the focus will be during your journey
  • Exercise: Strength training, interval training, boxing, walking sessions – everything you need for your specific goals will be used
  • Stress management, I'll help you gain more control over it
  • Weekly coaching sessions at your home, including training (75 minutes)
  • I'll teach you the best workouts that you can safely and independently do alongside the personal coaching sessions. These workouts never take more than 20 minutes, but thanks to the method, they are highly effective!
  • I will teach you the 'less is more' strategy based on your lifestyle. This way, exercise becomes enjoyable, and you won't develop an obsession with both movement and nutrition
  • Unlimited Coaching. There's always that one question you'd like to have answered. Within 24 hours, you'll get a response, often even faster
  • IN SHORT: I'm always close by during the program to help you finally achieve your goals


749,- 8 weeks (Including Online Guidance and materials)
  • Duo Coaching
  • In Leeuwarden e.o.
  • Always start with a non-committal introductory meeting at your home where you can ask all your questions. Afterward, you can decide if you want to embark on this fitness journey
  • Comprehensive assessment of current lifestyle and direction discussion
  • Nutrition, the most important factor and where the majority of the focus will be during your journey
  • Exercise: Strength training, interval training, boxing, walking sessions – everything you need for your specific goals will be used
  • Stress management, I'll help you gain more control over it
  • Weekly coaching sessions at your home, including training (75 minutes)
  • I'll teach you the best workouts that you can safely and independently do alongside the personal coaching sessions. These workouts never take more than 20 minutes, but thanks to the method, they are highly effective!
  • I will teach you the 'less is more' strategy based on your lifestyle. This way, exercise becomes enjoyable, and you won't develop an obsession with both movement and nutrition
  • Unlimited Coaching. There's always that one question you'd like to have answered. Within 24 hours, you'll get a response, often even faster
  • IN SHORT: I'm always close by during the program to help you finally achieve your goals

JDV Coaching 2004 (alle rechten voorbehouden)

-KVK 76354075



  • Voel jij je veel ouder dan je bent?
  • Zijn je cholesterolwaarden te hoog?
  • Is je bloeddruk te hoog?
  • Zijn je suikerwaarden verontrustend?
  • Heb je last van je gewrichten?
  • Kan je je de laatste tijd steeds moeilijker concentreren?
  • Heb je het te druk om te sporten?
  • Heb je al vele diëten geprobeerd?
  • Heb je geen zin (meer) in de sportschool omdat het je weinig tot niets heeft opgeleverd?
  • Heb je regelmatig last van snaai-aanvallen of vreetbuien?
  • Ben je de hele dag moe en heb je voortdurend het gevoel dat je de controle kwijt raakt?
  • Weet je niet meer wie of wat je moet geloven in je zoektocht naar een slanker, gezonder, sexier en vooral leuker leven?
Jelle de Vries De 40 plus coach!

Herken jij jezelf hierin?

  • Voel jij je veel ouder dan je bent?
  • Zijn je cholesterolwaarden te hoog?
  • Is je bloeddruk te hoog?
  • Zijn je suikerwaarden verontrustend?
  • Heb je last van je gewrichten?
  • Kan je je de laatste tijd steeds moeilijker concentreren?
  • Heb je het te druk om te sporten?
  • Heb je al vele diëten geprobeerd?
  • Heb je geen zin (meer) in de sportschool omdat het je weinig tot niets heeft opgeleverd?
  • Heb je regelmatig last van snaai-aanvallen of vreetbuien?
  • Ben je de hele dag moe en heb je voortdurend het gevoel dat je de controle kwijt raakt?
  • Weet je niet meer wie of wat je moet geloven in je zoektocht naar een slanker, gezonder, sexier en vooral leuker leven?

Ben jij op zoek naar een manier om jouw gezondheid en prestaties te verbeteren, terwijl je tegelijkertijd je spiegelbeeld wilt transformeren? Dan ben je bij mij aan het juiste adres! Als coach met 20 jaren ervaring als personal trainer, voedingsdeskundige en een specialisatie in plantbased voeding indien je overweegt om minder dierlijke voeding te consumeren.

Ik begrijp dat je denkt dat overwegend plantaardige voeding niet voldoende zal zijn binnen je leefstijl en je doelstelling. Maar ik kan je uit ervaring verzekeren dat meer plantaardige voeding zeer geschikt is voor iedereen die zijn gezondheid en prestaties wil verbeteren.  De mensen die ik begeleid zijn overigens lang niet allemaal vegans. Verre van. Wel hebben ze er inmiddels voor gekozen om minder dierlijke voeding te consumeren en dat is prima.

Mijn coaching is in de loop der jaren ontwikkeld om jou nog beter te kunnen helpen je doelen te bereiken en jouw gezondheid en prestaties naar een hoger niveau te tillen. Welke begeleidingsvorm voor jou van toepassing is zal blijken na het intake gesprek. 

Eenmaal begonnen zal ik je begeleiden en ondersteunen bij het implementeren van een slim voedingsplan, waarbij we ons richten op het optimaliseren van jouw voedingsinname om jouw lichaam op een natuurlijke manier te helpen om een optimaal gewicht te verkrijgen en dit behouden voor je oude dag. Geloof me, in deze fase van je leven is dit zeer belangrijk. 

We zullen ook werken aan het optimaliseren van jouw prestaties en energie. Met mijn persoonlijke en op maat gemaakte coaching zul je merken dat je meer energie hebt, beter slaapt en gemakkelijker je doelen bereikt. En als kers op de taart zal je ook jouw spiegelbeeld zien transformeren! Iets waar veel andere specialisten mee beginnen, maar hierdoor juist een belangrijke factor over het hoofd zien.

Dus als je wilt investeren in jezelf en jouw gezondheid, dan is mijn coaching geschikt voor jou. 



During the intake process, we discuss your goals, needs, and current health situation. Any questions you have will be answered, and the program and terms will be further explained to prevent any misunderstandings.


Based on the intake conversation, I create a personalized foundational plan tailored to your goals and needs. This plan consists of a combination of dietary advice, exercise guidelines, and lifestyle tips."


Every week, you have a check-in with me. During these check-ins, we discuss your progress and you receive feedback on your questions from the past week and the upcoming week.


If necessary, the personal plan is adjusted to better align with your goals and needs. This is always done in consultation with you.


Throughout the program, you can always reach me via email for questions or support.


At the end of your coaching program, there is a concluding conversation where your progress is evaluated, and you receive advice on how to maintain your healthy lifestyle.


About Coaching

If you’re someone who believes you’re already experiencing ‘age-related issues’ that you shouldn’t be having yet, and you haven’t found anyone, whether inside or outside the gym, who can help you with this, then this form of guidance is definitely suitable for you.

If you’re training at a gym, I analyze your goals and training possibilities. I then create a program for you that not only includes your exercises but also delivers much faster results due to the feedback that is unfortunately lacking in 9 out of 10 gyms.

A good (online) coach helps you learn which steps are best for you at the moments when they are most important to you. More importantly, a good coach has a keen ear to determine where adjustments, if necessary, need to be made to address your health issues quickly and effectively.

The short answer: 20 years of experience and quality. Coaching is a service, a profession that many people engage in. Nowadays, you can find a coach for almost every goal.

My coaching has been continuously refined and developed over the past 20+ years into what it is today. As a result, I know exactly what doesn’t work and, more importantly, what does work in achieving your goal(s).

This experience and expertise come with a higher price tag because I can offer higher quality, resulting in faster results.

Even with so much ‘free’ information at your disposal, it doesn’t mean that you can easily and successfully navigate your way to your goal without obstacles. No one can tell you whether the method you’ve chosen is suitable for you to make it work. More importantly, who is guiding you to take truly significant steps toward a healthier life? No free program can do that for you.

Because I have worked as a personal trainer for many years, I can easily answer this question. Personal trainers are specialists in training their clients. Through my experience as a personal trainer and nutrition expert, I’ve learned that knowledge and experience in these areas are important but provide no long-term benefit to the client if you don’t know how to coach. Instead of training you, I now coach you towards the results your body deserves. This is much more effective. The same applies to dietitians and other specialists. The approach of these specialists is to work with a treatment plan. This can be effective for the short term, but I always focus on the long term, and the rules change in that area.

Of course, that depends on your goal, but assume that I always start by looking in a non-binding conversation to see if your goal is realistic. There is often a big difference between what you want and what is really possible with lifestyle interventions. By requesting a non-binding conversation, I can advise you right away whether my coaching program is suitable for your goal(s) and what is actually achievable within your expectations.

The impact of nutrition is so significant that it’s immeasurable, regardless of your goal. A workout program designed to make you fitter, stronger, faster, leaner, and healthier is bound to fail if your nutrition is not aligned with it.

As a nutrition expert, I’m also specialized in a plant-based diet. With my program, I’ll teach you why this delightful way of eating and drinking can have an even greater impact on your appearance, your performance, how you feel, and most importantly, how it can improve your health. Of course, this isn’t a requirement if you have no plans to eliminate animal-based food. However, we can quickly agree that even in that case, adjustments can be made to benefit your health.

No, certainly not. It all depends on your goal. For 90% of the population who are overweight, any exercise program is sufficient as long as it’s responsible and takes into account any limitations you may have. Such an exercise program can be practiced wherever you like, whether it’s at home or outdoors. You don’t always need a gym for it. In fact, I have developed a special program that you can perform anywhere you want to optimize the stress on your body.

Certainly. I had the pleasure of working with the basketball players of Aris Leeuwarden for three years, a team that plays at the Eredivisie level. In addition to individual training and group strength training, I also provided nutritional advice and guidelines as needed, including supplements to improve performance during games and to recover faster. The advantage of someone who is already competing at a high level is that a lot is already being done in other areas of life to perform and recover as well as possible. However, I still see room for improvement. For example, by advising on a more plant-based diet, significant gains can be made in terms of energy and recovery. So yes, (top) athletes are more than welcome!

I’m always surprised by the amount of time many people spend in the gym, or the time trainers take to call something a workout. Unless your goal is to run a marathon, you certainly don’t need to invest hours in your body. My programs last only 90 minutes per week, and that is more than enough to transform both your physique and your health.

Of course. I’ve been around in various gyms for 30 years, and besides my own training, my education, and working with athletes, I’ve mainly seen what doesn’t work. Everyone can train better where they need to. Due to the lack of proper feedback in the gym, results often remain elusive. It’s very easy for me to help you get the most out of your training, even from a distance, which will help you make even more progress, no matter how experienced you are.

Ready-made menus don’t work for most people. What works better in both the short and long term is going through my step-by-step plan so that it becomes a lifestyle rather than a diet. After all, we always have weekly contact to make adjustments to this step-by-step plan so that it quickly becomes your personal changes that will actually work for you. My role as a coach is to get you to develop good habits that you will still be doing in 5 years.

Waaruit bestaat mijn programma?

Slimme Trainingen

Mijn programma werkt aan je kracht, conditie en souplesse. Verwacht geen trainingen om je bezig te houden, maar gerichte persoonlijke oefeningen die voortdurend worden getest naar de belangrijkste principes voor een sterker, fitter, sexier en vooral gezonder lijf.

Voeding is leven

I am text block. Click edit button to change this text.


I am text block. Click edit button to change this text.


I am text block. Click edit button to change this text.

Art direction

I am text block. Click edit button to change this text.


I am text block. Click edit button to change this text.

Mijn naam is Jelle de Vries, 51 jaar jong en werkzaam als Health en Fysiek Transformatie Coach voor mensen die serieus blijvend meer LEVEN aan hun jaren willen toevoegen op locatie (aan huis of bedrijf) in Leeuwarden en wereldwijd daarbuiten (online).
Mijn specialisme is het oplossen van leefstijlgerelateerde klachten door middel van plantaardige voeding, intermittent fasting (vasten), slimme korte trainingen, maar vooral de coachingstechnieken die je lichaam en gezondheid in korte tijd transformeren.

Optional Subtitle


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Mauris eros dolor pellentesque sed luctus dapibus lobortis orci.

Our Promise

Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo dapibus vitae nisi.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo dapibus vitae nisi.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo dapibus vitae nisi.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo dapibus vitae nisi.